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February 21, 2023How Long Will Your Kitchen Cabinet Last?
How Long Will Your Kitchen Cabinet Last? Keeping your home’s features safe and usable is a priority for any responsible homeowner. One of those features is the kitchen cabinet. Your cabinets can usually be expected to last for ten to fifteen years. But, the duration of any structure is dependent on its materials. Another thing that affects cabinets’ durability is how well the inner system is constructed.
Here are some signs your kitchen cabinet must be replaced:
If You See Water Damage
If your cabinet is made of wood, it is at risk for damage from water. Oils, steam, or chemicals can also impact wood. Those elements can stain or become deteriorate wooden cabinets. If you see dark spots or watermarks on the wooden surface, your cabinet is already damaged. The parts of your wardrobe nearest to the sink or faucet are the most vulnerable to water damage.
If you leak, this results in a higher probability of water damage. In addition to staining, cabinets are at risk of warping. The surface might also peel or change color. Water might even cause your wardrobe to be covered by mold.
Wear and Tear
After years of everyday use, your kitchen cabinet can develop warping or peeling. You might also see scratches or debts. These aren’t easy to fix. They are unattractive, and they can also cause the growth of mold. Mold inside your kitchen cabinet would make any food in your wardrobe unusable. The best prevention for mold is regular cabinet cleaning.
If the Wood Softens
Age can soften the wood of your kitchen cabinet. Mold or moisture will do the same. Softened wood can be dangerous and break and spill the cabinet’s contents. This risk is increased for cabinets holding large items.
Your kitchen cabinet can generally be expected to last up to 15 years. Therefore, you should consider getting a new one when the cabinet is ten years old. In addition to the risks already mentioned, you may need a new wardrobe because you have new or different items to store.
Unpleasant Odour
As your kitchen ages, it will generally begin to collect food crumbs, dirt, mold, mites, or other pests. This will result in an odor that will not quickly go away.
Changing Kitchen Style
If you are repainting or upgrading your kitchen, your cabinet may need to be replaced to match. When you remodel, it’s natural to want a more modern kitchen cabinet.
Difficulty Functioning
If it’s hard to open the cabinet door, this is a sign you should replace it. If the cabinet door makes a scraping noise, it is a good idea to get a new one.
How to keep your kitchen cabinets clean and in working order:
Clean Spills and Spatters Quickly
Don’t let a spill or splatter have an opportunity to build up. Be vigilant about cleaning as soon as you see evidence of food or oil. A damp cloth is the best choice for cleaning. If that doesn’t work, you can use a commercial cleaner. It’s essential to check the cleaner’s label to be sure it is safe to clean wood.
Protect Cabinets from Sun Damage
Direct sunlight means exposure to UV radiation. That radiation will eventually result in discoloration. The best way to prevent that discoloration is to install your cabinet away from the sun’s rays. If that guideline is too late, use blinds in your kitchen windows to minimize sun exposure.
Avoid Heat
Heat will lead to damage to your cabinets. If your oven has a self-cleaning cycle, the prolonged heat will cause damage. To prevent this, you should take the drawers from your cabinets before scheduled or impromptu oven cleaning.
Choose Your Cleaning Products Carefully
If your cleaning products are tough on dirt, they may be equally tough on your cabinets. Abrasive cleaners will remove the finish of the cabinets. You should also avoid strong detergents, bleach, and ammonia. These will also damage the finish of your cabinets.
The best choice for cleaning cabinets is a mild detergent with water and a soft cloth. For stains, you can also use baking soda.
Fill Cracks and Scratches
It’s normal to get cracks or scratches, but don’t let your cabinets stay that way. Left alone, they are likely to extend and further damage the cabinets. You can find a safe product for refilling in a hardware or home improvement store.
If you follow these guidelines and look for signs of damage, your kitchen cabinets will be more likely to last a long time.