7 Tips On Choosing Kitchen Cabinet For Your HDB
November 11, 2019Choosing The Right Kitchen Cabinet Material
November 11, 20197 Tips On How To Maintain A Quartz Countertop
Quartz countertop is a popular item that you can find in many properties in Singapore. This furniture is usually composed of synthetic polymer and quartz stone. This item is very popular because of its glossy look. You are able to improve appearance of your kitchen or bathroom without doing any polishing procedures. There are several important tips that you can follow, so you can maintain this countertop effectively. If you want to have long lasting and durable countertop, you may want to consider doing some of these simple tips. All tips can be followed by many homeowners easily.
1. Clean your countertop with soft cloth regularly
If you want to maintain the quality of your countertop, you should clean it regularly. Regular cleaning can help you remove all stains from this furniture immediately. However, you should understand that this material is very sensitive to some rough products. Therefore, you have to use soft product for cleaning your countertop. It is recommended that you use soft cloth for removing any stains from your countertop completely.
2. Purchase mild detergent
There are some mild detergents that are available on the market today. You can choose the most effective detergent for cleaning this quartz countertop. When you choose your favorite mild detergent, your product should be non-abrasive and non-bleach. These mild products are safe for any types of products that are made from quartz material. Many people claim that they are able to maintain the quality of their countertop when they use this type of detergent.
3. Wipe all liquids immediately
This is another recommended tip that you can follow easily. Quartz material is sensitive to water. Therefore, you have to wipe all liquids completely. There are several types of liquids that can be damaging for your quartz material, for example fruit juice, coffee, or tea. You have to wipe any liquids from your countertop immediately. This tip is very useful for you who want to use your countertop for long period of time. You will never have to worry about leaving any liquid residue on this furniture.
4. Use oil based cleaner
In some cases, you may need to deal with some heavy stains. Some stains need to be cleaned with proper cleaning agents. There are some oil based cleaners that are available in Singapore. These cleaning agents are recommended for people who want to clean some heavy stains from any food products, such as grease, oils, butter, sauce, and some other impurities. This type of cleaner is more effective than any other cleaning products.
5. Avoid using knives on top of this surface
When you want to use your quartz countertop for long period of time, you shouldn’t use any knives on top of this surface. This material can be damaged by the sharp knives. Some people may want to use cooking board on top of their kitchen countertop. This kitchen utensil is very effective to prevent any damages on your countertop. You need to keep your knives away from this furniture.
6. Place a proper hot pad
Quartz can be damaged by some hot liquid. Therefore, you have to place a proper hot pad under your hot glasses. This hot pad is very effective to protect your countertop from hot liquid or hot container. There are some items that are made from some great materials, such as cloth, wood, and some other insulator materials. You can buy your favorite hot pad in some home accessory stores.
7. Don’t use any chemical products
If you use quartz countertop, you have to stay away from some chemical products. These products can be dangerous for your furniture. There are some dangerous chemical agents that may damage the quality of your furniture immediately. These harmful substances should be replaced with some eco-friendly products. If you want to use some chemical products for cleaning your kitchen or bathroom, you have to protect this countertop with some protective layers.
They are some recommended tips for all homeowners. You can follow those tips for maintaining the quality of your countertop. Quartz is an expensive material that you can use to build your countertop. Therefore, you have to maintain the quality of this material properly. It is very important to take a good care of this furniture when you are planning to use it for long time.